Open a file cust.csv :
id,name,city 10,eli,ashdod 20,avi,haifa 30,dani,tel aviv 40,yosi,yafo
And orders file:
id,cust_id,date,sum 1,10,1/1/17,123 2,20,2/4/16,190 3,10,2/3/17,2455 4,30,9/2/17,240 5,40,1/5/16,200 6,30,1/2/17,1240 7,40,14/5/16,1200
1. Create an interactive app: ask for customer name (using input function) and display the total orders for the customer
- Create a function getid(name) -> return customer id by name
- Create a function getorders(custid) -> return list of all orders for customer id (try to use filter function with lambda expression)
- Create a function calcsum(listoforders) -> return total sum of orders
- Write the main loop and use the above functions
2. Create a file summery.txt with customer name and total orders:
eli:2578 avi:190 dani:1480 yosi:1400