Tag: python

Python – Regular Expressions Practical Guide

Regular Expressions are commonly used in Linux command line tools like sed, awk, grep etc. Most programming languages support them in either built – in or through an external library. The main problem of using them is that they difficult to understand, but they are well worth the effort to learn. Using a regular expression […]

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Python Multitasking – MultiThreading and MultiProcessing

Modern operating systems allow a user to run several applications simultaneously, so that some tasks can be run in the background while the user continues with other work in the foreground. The user can also run multiple copies of the same program at the same time. To create a task we can use process or […]

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Python Machine Learning Example – Linear Regression

In my previous post, I went over the basic concepts in machine learning and I used a very small amount of data. I got great feedbacks but also notes to make more complex example with bigger dataset. In this post I will use a bigger dataset and use pandas , seaborn and scikit-learn to illustrate […]

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10 Python Interview Questions You need to know

Python is very popular programming language with many job offers. I collected some questions (with answers) from many students interviews. Test yourself: are you ready to work with python? 1. Base and derived classes: Look at the following code: class A(object): def show(self): print ‘base show’ class B(A): def show(self): print ‘derived show’ obj = […]

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Simple Image Processing with Python

Python is not a programming language for writing algorithms. It is a dynamic language , secure and high level. If we want to write a complex algorithm we need pointers for efficiency and we will probably use C/C++. Python do have tons of external packages, some of them implemented in C and using a simple […]

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Machine Learning With Python – Introduction

Python is a great programming language for data analysis. With tons of packages for data handling it is the best choice for data analysts , algorithm developers and more Lets get started with understanding the relationship between some very popular data packages Numpy is package for multi dimension arrays – very effective implementation Scipy – […]

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Django – Simple channels Example

Django is a great python web framework for server side. If we want to communicate with the client it can be done using the request-response model and also using a web socket especially when we want to send push notifications to the client. This is a very simple example of how to create and communicate […]

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Pandas for SQL Users

Pandas is a great python library for data handling. It declares 2 main classes: Series – for one dimensional array DataFrame – for 2 dimensional tables (and with multi-indexing can display more dimensions) Typical flow of using Pandas will be – load the data, manipulate and store again. This is very similar to SQL use […]

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Building a Simple Website with Angular 4 and Django (and deploy it to heroku)

There are many alternatives to build a site , you need to select a client framework , a server platform, a database server and many other building blocks to help you link everything , develop, debug and deploy One great option for server side development is python. With its huge number of packages and tools […]

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